Silvestri Aluminum and PVC/Vinyl Privacy Pool Fences – Bethel, CT

Silvestri Aluminum and PVC/Vinyl Privacy Pool Fences – Bethel, CT

This Silvestri residential fence project was installed in Bethel, Connecticut using the RAB-200 style aluminum fence and a PVC/Vinyl privacy fence in the adobe color. These attractive residential fences were used to enclose an existing pool. The RAB-200 aluminum fence was installed to maximize the beauty of the surroundings and give an open, elegant feel to the property. The customer chose the bronze aluminum fence for its low four foot height profile and ability to blend into the landscape. This aluminum fence meets pool code requirements for Bethel, CT.

The Silvestri PVC/Vinyl privacy fence is also pool code, providing added privacy and reducing noise on the back lot line. The result is a beautiful custom aluminum and PVC/Vinyl residential fence that will serve these Bethel homeowners well for years to come.

Read more about the RAB 200 aluminum pool code compliant fence.

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