Silvestri Woven Wire

Silvestri Woven Wire

Silvestri Fence uses a design developed in New Zealand. This high-tensile fencing system utilizes fluent 12-1/2 gauge wire with a yield strength of 200,000 pounds per square inch, or a toughness of 1,600 pounds per wire. Conventional fencing wire conventionally has a yield strength of less than 60,000 pounds per square inch. More than half our strength. Fixed knot fences utilize solid vertical stay wires, which increase the vertical strength of the fence and allow for further post spacing. Our fixed knot is a separate piece of wire tightly coiled around the line wire and stay wire providing the highest strength and locking both the horizontal and vertical wires in place.

High-tensile wire is made with more carbon steel than standard. The carbon content of this wire is approximately 0.28%. The additional carbon content significantly increases the wire’s strength and reduces elongation. This enables the use of a smaller diameter high tensile wire to replace a thicker low carbon wire. High tensile wire can be implemented using less posts than low carbon fences.

Woven wire is available in variety of heights and configurations with our most popular height being 8′ with gradient vertical spacing from top to bottom 8″, 7″, 6″, 5″, 4″, 3″.

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